Physical Asset Management

Physical asset management is the management of fixed assets such as equipment, plant, buildings, and infrastructure throughout their entire lifecycle. It involves activities such as maintenance, repair, upgrades, and end-of-life disposition of the assets. The purpose of physical asset management is to prolong asset life and keep them in good condition. It also requires implementing controls on purchasing, deployment, tracking and maintaining.

Dive into The State of Asset Management in South Africa

Transforming Asset Management—A Path to Sustainable Infrastructure Introduction: The Road to Better Asset Management In 2005, South Africa took a crucial step in improving its asset management practices. A decree was issued requiring each government department to maintain two separate asset registers: a major asset register for assets valued over R5,000 and a minor asset […]

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How do Power Quality Affect Client’s Billing

Peruse this document for a more comprehensive understanding of the subject addressed in this paper. While power electronics equipment can enhance efficiency and control, they can also cause distortions in the power system, leading to power quality issues. Harmonics, which distort the standard sinusoidal waveform of power, can result in various problems such as equipment

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