Probable System Sizing
Our designs of a Solar Energy Systems are not as simple as calculating the roof space, dividing that space by the area of Photovoltaic (PV) Modules, assuming it would produce 100% – or even a certain percentage – for the entire day and then base the rating of the system on that.
There is a correlation between the power output of the PV Modules and the size (watts) of the battery and then a combination of these two and the size of the inverter and the power consumption requirements. The wrong combination could result in the batteries never being fully charged and equalized or a waste of money on unnecessary equipment.
Power Consumption Profiling
Before we would start any designs, we need to get a clearer picture of the Power Consumption Profile. And therefore, we would install a Power Quality Monitor to record the Power Consumption over a specified period. Based on the results obtained with this instrument, we then know what the peak demand for that period is and whether there are other important aspects that must be considered, which could ultimately affect the performance of the Solar Energy – or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) – systems, and in particular the Inverters.
Compatibility Of Equipment
Our designs and calculations are all scientifically based. In essence, all product selections for the designs are best quality, fit for purpose, and not necessarily lowest cost. It is also important to emphasize that these designs are VERY SPECIFIC AND NOT GENERIC which can be replicated on any other projects or buildings.
Battery Charging Strategies
Simply giving you an estimate calculated only on guesswork for the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) or Solar Energy systems are speculative. Anything other than that would require a substantial amount of work. For a scientifically based quotation, we would have the make several upfront payments for the rental of the Software System and Power Quality Monitor, and later, for a Mechanical Engineer to inspect the places where the PV Modules would have to be mounted.
Initialisation Fee
Before we start, we would require a nonrefundable deposit.
Once the payment is made, we would send you a document outlining the process we would follow with an estimated cost for our services.
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