In the mid-1980s, I embarked on a mission to resolve persistent “power failure” complaints from the National Accelerator Centre (NAC) in Faure, Western Cape, now known as iThemba LABS—the largest accelerator facility in the Southern Hemisphere. Invited for private tours, I delved into their operations, even entering the high-stakes environment of the operating room. Witnessing the damaging effects of power interruptions, I realized the gravity of their issue. However, a puzzling discovery awaited me: our incident reports showed no power interruptions on the reported dates. This unexpected challenge marked the beginning of an intriguing journey to uncover and address the root cause.
Tackling Power Failures at iThemba LABS
In the mid-1980s, my expertise was called upon to resolve persistent “power failure” complaints from the National Accelerator Centre (NAC) in Faure, Western Cape, now known as iThemba LABS. This is the largest accelerator facility in the Southern Hemisphere and the only Cyclotron on the African continent.
Unveiling the Challenge
Upon contacting them, I was invited for several private tours to grasp the intricacies of their operations, even entering the high-stakes operating room. I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of power interruptions, and the extensive time and effort required to rectify the damage caused.
The Investigation Begins
Despite our daily incident reports showing no power interruptions on the reported dates, the damage was undeniable. Enlisting our specialist department, we developed rudimentary instrumentation to record data during power events. The main instrument, a high-speed analogue-to-digital converter, captured events for analysis.
Data Analysis and Correlation
I spent considerable time correlating recorded events with network incidents, even discovering tripped circuit breakers over a thousand kilometers away. This information was relayed to the NAC executives, although I explained there was little we could do within the power supply limits of that time.
Seeking Solutions
I reached out to a European company with a South African presence for potential solutions, one of which was a motor-generator set with a massive flywheel. Whether this was implemented, I am unsure, as I was promoted and relocated shortly afterward.
Support and Collaboration
Throughout this challenging process, I was supported by all my seniors, who frequently visited the site to offer assistance—a level of support I find rare in today’s world.