Asset Management Training – Courses

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World-Class Asset Management does not happen overnight, nor does it happen on its own. It is a gradual step-by-step process where success can only be achieved by the correct completion of each of the individual steps. Each of these steps represents a change from the old to the new where everyone involved must let go of the wrong way of doing things to embrace the tried-and-tested new practices.


A key factor for success in any World-Class Organization is thus that its personnel are knowledgeable, skilled, competent, and experienced. Skilled staff is becoming scarcer and that causes service delivery to deteriorate.


Our team of professionals oversee the customer orientated training courses to replenish the skills shortages. A comprehensive list of quality short course training programs are available to our clients.


Agulhas is specializing in the introduction and embedding of best practices in Asset Management, offering bespoke coaching and training courses. We have developed a suite of blended learning techniques to cover most topics and levels of modern asset management.


All our presenters have at least 20 years first hand industrial or management experience.


The training programs, workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions are tailored to accommodate the specific needs of our clients. Our team of professionals, facilitators and trainers have extensive real-world results-driven experience and are all specialists in their specific fields. They infuse their many years of practical experience into the training.

Introduction to Asset Management – Course Schedule

The course will introduce participants to the fundamental concepts and principles that support the effective Asset Management. Participants will also grasp the reasons for following a systematic and logical process of implementing Asset Management. Furthermore, participants will gain an understanding of:

  • The elements of the AM Framework;
  • The importance of an AM Policy and why is it be developed;
  • Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of the Key Role-Players;
  • What is an AM Strategy and how does this Impact the Roles and Functions of the Business;
  • The importance for developing Long-Term Plans;
  • How to develop a Long-Term / Strategic AM Plan and the importance of including the associated elements such Costing and
  • Contingencies how to Communicate this plan;
  • How this Long-Term / Strategic AM Plan should be implemented;
  • How to develop the Strategic Objectives;
  • How important is Risk Analysis and what is its role in effective Asset Management; and
  • The importance of Performance Measurement and Improvement.

Who Should Attend

Delegates would include a wide range of personnel from organizations who are involved in, or dependent on, effective maintenance planning, scheduling and work control. These should include:

  • Maintenance Managers,
  • Maintenance Supervisors,
  • Maintenance Planners,
  • New and prospective Asset Management Team Members, and
  • Anyone requiring an introduction to the key concepts underpinning World-Class Asset Management.

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling – Course Schedule

The course will expand on concepts and principles that the participants were introduced to in Introduction to Asset Management Course to focus on the Maintenance Management aspects of effective Asset Management. Furthermore, participants will gain an understanding of:

  • Maintenance Processes as it applies in the Business;
  • Maintenance Information;
  • Maintenance Work Prioritization;
  • Access Current Workload;
  • Determine Labor Availability;
  • Determine Plant & Equipment Availability;
  • Develop Draft Master Schedule;
  • Master Schedule: Implementation;
  • Spares Procurement, Issue and Control;
  • Planned Work Control Procedure;
  • Management and Information;
  • Effectiveness Performance Indicators; and
  • The importance of Performance Measurement and Improvement.

Who Should Attend

Delegates would include a wide range of personnel from organizations who are involved in, or dependent on, effective maintenance planning, scheduling and work control. These should include:

  • Maintenance Managers,
  • Maintenance Supervisors,
  • Maintenance Planners,
  • New and Prospective Asset Management Team Members, and
  • Anyone requiring an introduction to the key concepts underpinning World-Class Asset Management.


Our seminars are interactive in nature, where we also encourage the two-way flow of information, ideas and experiences between the presenter and delegates (attendees). Consequently, the recommended maximum number of delegates for a session is 20, although additional trainers can be provided on request for larger groups. All we ask is that you prepare a room big enough to accommodate everyone who is attending.

In-school training are usually full day (approximately 5 hours) sessions. These are charged on a sliding scale dependent upon the number of delegates present.

Timings are flexible to suit the needs of your delegates. The start and finish times and the time and durations of the refreshment breaks are usually agreed between the presenter and the delegates to fit around the teaching commitments.

Click here to order a one-hour requirements discussion session.

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